How to use Content Marketing to Amplify Your Brand Visibility

You may have stumbled across the phrase ‘content is king’ over the past few years. That’s basically describing the shift that marketers have made from outbound marketing to inbound marketing.

No longer are strategies solely focused on cold calling, leaflet drops and TV adverts. Although these techniques are still in use, the focus has shifted to inbound. Or, in other words attracting customers without directly approaching them or fighting for their attention. It’s all about sharing valuable articles, videos and information that will draw them in, which is basically good content marketing.

The following article is designed to show you how to use content marketing to amplify your brand visibility. It will help you to take a more inbound approach and position you as a thought leader within your industry.

Boost your SEO with content

Content Marketing and SEO go together hand in hand today and any brand that understand this is a force to be reckoned with.

People have, over recent years, believed that Content Marketing has replaced SEO and that Google is ‘cosying up to this new kid on the block.’ However, this is not true as one wouldn’t be successful without the other. Businesses can’t simply replace SEO with Content Marketing and expect to see the same results - they must coexist.

So, how does Content Marketing boost SEO you ask? Well, SEO is dependent on words, blogs and general substance. As in, businesses can no longer build a website and leave it. They must be updated regularly with relevant, informative content. Google will recognise this and see the value in the site for users. Consequently, it will be positively ranked.

Another way you can use content to positively impact your SEO is by guest posting. This can be done by seeking out relevant, authoritative websites in your niche that have an active blog and pitching great article topics. If they like your ideas then you’ll be invited to post an article on their site which will boost your online visibility.

It will also enable you to post a link to your website, otherwise known as a ‘backlink.’ They are powerful attributes when it comes to SEO as Google looks favourably on sites that are linked to high authority websites. For more details on this, check out this useful article from MOZ.

We used content marketing to create a useful careers resource that Universities linked out to for IT Support Company, 5th Utility.

Increase your exposure on social media

Given the access we now have to global audiences on social media, it’s easier than ever to amplify your brand. Each platform offers an ideal place to share useful content, designed to benefit users. By doing this, brands garner interactions and engagement, opening up new a customer base.

Remember that you have a very short window to catch a user’s attention so mediocre content just won’t cut it. It’s all about making your content really speak to your target market, so touching on any pain points or specific interests that they share. There are also some great online resources such as Canva which help to create eye catching visuals to promote content.

To give you some ideas, here’s a roundup of brands really nailing their Content Marketing on social media.Once you implement this and start sharing relatable content, you’ll be on the way to really boosting your exposure.

Answer questions and build a customer base

Once you’ve implemented your content plan on social media, it’s time to get interacting. This is how you’ll build relationships with potential customers and help them to form a sense of loyalty with your brand.

For example, an estate agent could post a blog on ‘4 easy ways to increase your property’s value before selling.’ They push it out on Facebook and start to get some questions from people looking to sell. By answering the questions, the estate agent is not only knowledge sharing as a thought leader but also interacting with extremely strong leads. Once those individuals are ready to sell, they’ll have already formed a bond with said estate agent making them the go to choice.

By interacting with your audience, you will also show a more human side to your brand which potential customers can warm to. Offering help, advice and answers to any questions, you’ll show a genuine interest in people which will work wonders for your brand.

To sum up

There’s no magic formula to creating great content as every business is different. Have a look at what others are doing in your field and what’s working for them. Then think about the product or service you offer and how it benefits your target market. Staying genuine with content marketing and showing that you care and want to help is important. Then, once you’re happy with your blog, article, video - or whatever you choose to do - get amplifying and interacting on social media.

Content marketing is one of the most powerful tools you can use to improve your website's online visibility. The team here at Imaginaire Digital are experts in content marketing covering areas such as Nottingham and Derby.