Sometimes, web design and copywriting are viewed as two different entities. The designer creates the site whilst the writer provides the text, simple. However, regardless of whether it’s possible to work in silos - there are plenty more benefits when there’s a collaboration.
Gone are the days of creating a website, uploading some text and leaving it to tick over in the background. In order to stay on top of the competition (and Google), businesses have to constantly adapt their sites. In doing so, brands must provide top quality content. This is where the copywriter-designer collaboration comes in.
Good copy and design have to go hand in hand to create a website that appeals and communicates well to its intended audience. So here’s our key points on why it’s important for copywriters and web designers to work together.
Have you ever landed on a website and found a solid page of text? Ok, this is happening less and less nowadays, but you know how unappealing it is. It definitely doesn’t entice you to read on when it looks like a dull Word document.
A study by Nielsen suggested that site visitors only read 20-28% of any one blog post. Therefore, it’s crucial that you have supporting visuals to make people want to stay.
Image heavy content is much more appealing than reams of drab text. It draws in readers and breaks down the overall blog. Furthermore, images provide added context which makes your content more relatable.
By working together, it’s far easier to plan a good image-text ratio which will draw readers in and help reduce bounce rate.
When designers and copywriters work separately, there are often issues when it comes to lining things up. For example, a writer could spend time crafting stand-out copy that’s SEO optimised only to find half of their text doesn’t fit the design.
This, as you can imagine, is often a sore point. No copywriter wants to hack down their work, just like no designer wants to overhaul their structure. Therefore, to avoid a battle, both parties should work off the same site map with a clear understanding of spacing. This will ensure the two elements fit seamlessly.
Web designers and copywriters are both creative folk. No matter what the differences are between the two disciplines, ultimately, they both want to bring their ideas to life. Therefore a partnership can become a hotbed for new ideas. Whether it’s from past experiences or different perspectives, this type of partnership can garner some pretty great results.
It’s important however that each person is open to new ideas. It’s no good ignoring new copy ideas because ‘you’re the sole copywriter.’ Another perspective can add a whole new dimension and it’s important to take ideas on board.
Understanding the value of working together and overlapping skillsets can make all the difference for copywriters and web designers. It doesn’t just affect the process but helps ensure the end result is as fine tuned as possible. Copy will fit seamlessly between design, creating a harmonious site that visitors will enjoy exploring.
Great web design also means great content writing! Our team of expert copywriters work with our web designers to ensure your website is the best it can be. Drop us an email or call us to learn more. Our web design service covers Nottingham, Derby, Mansfield and beyond.